Tipman - 00:45 05/11/2021
Please can someone tell me how I can receive money from directly from turkey to Nigeria bank?
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Martins - 13:19 02/10/2021 How much is 124ec in naira |
#Olowo - 21:13 23/11/2021 Does anyone here has a payoneer fund for sale? Call or chat(WhatsApp) on 08032062700 |
Sabect - 10:00 12/10/2021 Can anyone assist how to buy btc with naira card |
FintechCurious - 13:29 13/07/2022 Zazuu.co, a Nigerian startup based in London, helps Africans to minimize costs while sending money to their sub-Saharan origin countries.... |
King - 04:19 30/03/2023 Since Nigerian banks have stopped international transactions on naira cards, what other alternative can we use |
How can buy stuffs from China look at the current cbn policy on international transactions
Pls the best way is to receive it via BTC or any valuable coins, then you can sell it and get your money in Naira... that's in other to avoid of funds and bank charges...my humble opinion.
I can buy it and give you naira
I can help you to receive euro from turkey to Nigeria and deliver it successfully to your family