Dollar Black Market rate

TY - 10:50 28/09/2021

Please How much is the current Black market for USD as at today.


Disclaimer: can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here.

Azuka Uwadia 16:19 11/03/2023


Ayen 11:05 12/12/2022

I want to buy $1,000. How much is the rate? I will pay naira. I'm residing in abuja.

Amosun 03:15 02/12/2022

I got it at 710 today

Eddy 13:11 15/11/2022

Please How much is the current Black market for USD as at today.

Nasir 02:15 15/11/2022

How much Us doller to Nigerian naira as at black market today.

maloondy 06:06 20/09/2022


Nahure 11:34 11/11/2022

Please how much $1

Susu 02:32 19/08/2022

670 as at 19 Aug 2022

Victor 15:35 24/07/2022

Rand to naira available Naira to rand available Transfer to south Africa account holy no cash at hand Face to face business Distance is not a problem with your family or friend we can meet in your behalf office address near Gtbank or first bank ikotun Lagos you call me 07088781001

VicD1 12:00 15/06/2022

I need dollar but don't have any Dom or foreign ACC......ready to pay @570/$ ....Dm me on 08161156073 if u can give me dollar at the above price .... reside I lagos

Ayana 15:05 19/05/2022

The current black market rate for USD is about 1,000 to 1.

Yusuf 13:18 27/04/2022

Please what is the Dollar rate as at this moment

Van 17:56 05/11/2021

Today how much is the current black market

Kavin Godwin 13:25 11/04/2022

$570 in naira

rabz33n 06:52 22/02/2022

i have $390 dollars for sale @560. i stay in uyo

Kavin Godwin 13:19 11/04/2022

I will buy it OK but in naira WhatsApp me now 7016196442

Dodo 11:58 05/01/2022

Pls what is the USD-NGN rate today

Mr Golden 11:06 12/03/2022

You can dm me for a business..08144053394

Sonu 12:02 21/02/2022

I have naira I want to convert in Indian rupees

Ashley 19:23 11/03/2022

How many you want to change ?? I can do it.

Alhj honesty 18:18 04/03/2022

Hello my people good afternoon to you all I hope to you very well if you change any kind of currency exchange dollars to pound 💷 EUR I will give you good rate am here in Abuja zone 4 plaza contact me 08144826374

Tjay 10:39 03/03/2022

I’m in lagos mainland i hv $100 to change to naira 08067968828

Ashley 09:07 02/02/2022

I hv 2K USD to sale today. I am at VI. Pls what is the best exchange rate ??

Haj bash 10:04 14/02/2022

Good morning where in v.i are on

Mal. Abubakar 09:05 03/02/2022

Dm me: 08137706798

Ashley 12:39 27/11/2021

Pls what is USD-NGN rate today in Lagos. I hv 2K USD for exchange

Alhaji 08:20 28/01/2022

Call or chat me 08090771463

ChinaBoy 12:43 11/01/2022

USD`s Buy/Sell today January 11 is: 565/570, meaning, you should sell each USD to Market Dealers at a Minimum of 565 Naira, and buy it at a Maximum of 570 Naira from them. [ *** We Sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Direct Transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets at Fair Rates. You can buy even as small as 1 CNY from us. Our Transfers are Instant, Safe & Reliable. WhatsApp: +8615005908420; Serious Enquiries Only Pls! ]

Unity 00:13 09/01/2022

Am at Abuja I have dollars I want to sell at the rate of 570. My number 07065843755

Monaco 08:14 07/01/2022

Am at Abakiliki l got 500$ l want to sell at 562# my number is 0813118-350

Smile 16:10 03/01/2022

How much for today 2-3-2022

Zed 16:56 31/12/2021


Chibyke 13:24 23/12/2021

How much is dollars

ChinaBoy 13:55 11/11/2021

USD`s Buy/Sell today 11th November is: 531/540, meaning you should sell your Dollars to Parallel Market Operators at a Minimum of 531 Naira per Dollar, and buy at a Maximum of 540 Naira per Dollar from them (You can buy any amount of RMB from us, even as small as 1 RMB; China Bank Accounts and Alipay Wallets Only; WhatsApp: +8615005908420).

Olu 04:27 15/12/2021

What is the rate today

Samaila 18:35 13/12/2021

Pls how can I start buy $

@Abfunds 08:05 13/12/2021

What is the current of 1 dollar to cedis

Chucks4real 13:26 21/11/2021

I received and change $ at 535

Sweetie 19:59 28/11/2021

Ur contact pls

Anya 12:38 24/11/2021

How much for exchange as of today 24th nov?

Mike 02:22 16/10/2021

100 dollars in Naira

Chucks4real 13:28 21/11/2021

I change 530 per $

Sonia 16:07 18/11/2021

I have $3,600 at N550 in lagos, Nigeria. Interested persons should call 08141393210

Searles 20:45 16/11/2021

Today is the end of the 16th. What is happening to naira vs US dollar?

Alhaji Mohammed Ali🌎 06:10 15/11/2021

Anyone willing to exchange his or her foreign currencies am available anywhere in the world 🌎 Real legit 💯 Contact info WhatsApp 💬 +1 (435) 263-1582 Calling ☎️ +2347013133113

ChinaBoy 15:55 10/11/2021

USD`s Buy/Sell today 10th November is: 545/549, meaning you should sell your Dollars to Parallel Market Operators at a Minimum of 545 Naira per Dollar, and buy at a Maximum of 549 Naira per Dollar from them (You can buy any amount of RMB from us, even as small as 1 RMB; China Bank Accounts and Alipay Wallets Only; WhatsApp: +8615005908420).

TA the Good Guy 20:49 09/11/2021

based on my TA, we should expect the naira to reach 700 Naira to a dollar by end of 11/09

Nairaeye 19:03 09/11/2021

What is the expected projection. Will the Naira continue to gain value or opposite? Thanks

ChinaBoy 14:17 09/11/2021

USD`s Buy/Sell today 9th November is: 550/554,. meaning you should sell your Dollars to Parallel Market Operators at a Minimum of 550 Naira per Dollar, and buy at a Maximum of 554 Naira per Dollar from them (You can buy any amount of RMB from us, even as small as 1 RMB; China Bank Accounts and Alipay Wallets Only; WhatsApp: +8615005908420).

cheddars 14:10 09/11/2021

Dollar rate around Ikota in Ajah is 550/555 And dropping. At Allen, Ikeja Dollar Rate is 548/555 Trade with caution. The rates have been dropping since the beginning of this week

Sanusi doller ikorodu 15:00 08/11/2021

Diler of eney cautry money bay and sell my WhatsApp nomber 09033133993 Address ikorodu lagos

ChinaBoy 12:52 05/11/2021

USD`s Buy/Sell today 5th November is: 560/564,. meaning you should sell your Dollars to Parallel Market Operators at a Minimum of 560 Naira per Dollar, and buy at a Maximum of 564 Naira per Dollar from them (You can buy any amount of RMB from us, even as small as 1 RMB; China Bank Accounts and Alipay Wallets Only; WhatsApp: +8615005908420).

Alhaji Mohammed Tafida 14:34 03/11/2021

Anyone buying or selling his currency anywhere in the world 🌎 Available 💯 contact info DOLLAR RATE BUYING $560 SELLING $565 💬‪+1 (435) 263‑1582‬ ☎️ +2347013133113

Kelly 09:22 05/11/2021

Please where?

ChinaBoy 12:40 02/11/2021

USD`s Buy/Sell today 2nd November is: 564/568,. meaning you should sell your Dollars to Parallel Market Operators at a Minimum of 564 Naira per Dollar, and buy at a Maximum of 568 Naira per Dollar from them (You can buy any amount of RMB from us, even as small as 1 RMB; China Bank Accounts and Alipay Wallets Only; WhatsApp: +8615005908420).

Noble 02:39 01/11/2021

N568 / $ @ Ikeja L/S

CryptoKing 11:45 01/11/2021


femi 11:37 01/11/2021

i have 1900 for sale 566 per dollar 08168811365

Expensive boi 14:48 26/10/2021

I need usd 3k upward 07061349045

ChinaBoy 23:44 25/10/2021

USD`s Buy/Sell today 26th October is: 565/568. meaning you should sell your Dollars to Parallel Market Operators at a Minimum of 565 Naira per Dollar, and buy at a Maximum of 568 Naira per Dollar from them (You can buy any amount of RMB from us, even as small as 1 RMB; China Bank Accounts and Alipay Wallets Only; WhatsApp: +8615005908420).

Dbar 18:43 19/10/2021

What’s the dollar rate to naira as at today?

ChinaBoy 11:02 19/10/2021

USD`s Buy/Sell today 19th October is: 570/573. meaning you should sell your Dollars to Parallel Market Operators at a Minimum of 570 Naira per Dollar, and buy at a Maximum of 573 Naira per Dollar from them (You can buy any amount of RMB from us, even as small as 1 RMB; China Bank Accounts and Alipay Wallets Only; WhatsApp: +8615005908420).

Mike 02:28 16/10/2021

100 dollars in Naira

ChinaBoy 01:50 10/10/2021

Buy/Sell today is 565/568

John 15:49 13/10/2021

Am interested please

ChinaBoy 16:07 12/10/2021

USD`s Buy/Sell today 12th October is: 567/570, meaning you can sell your Dollars to Parallet Market Operators at 567 Naira per Dollar (You can buy any amount of RMB from us, even as small as 1 RMB; .China Bank Accounts and Alipay Wallets Only; WhatsApp: +8615005908420).

Adah John 15:48 13/10/2021

Please I need Americans bank

ibnhajar 10:13 12/10/2021

You want to buy on Alibaba or Aliexpress and your bank restricted you to $100 per month. Contact us on 08061136050 to help you pay for your orders on Alibaba and Aliexpress @520

Liz 06:25 12/10/2021

How is the dollar rate today

greg 09:14 11/10/2021

Dollar rate 570 Lagos 11/10/21

Prester 18:09 09/10/2021

How much is dollar to naira in black market

Ertheme dayveed 16:18 08/10/2021

Well here in Ogun state its #540..

C.j 17:37 02/10/2021

Buying =575 Selling = 580 today

Jay 12:50 08/10/2021

Hi CJ, do you buy and sell? Let's connect please.

Biko 12:46 07/10/2021

What is dollar to Naira exchange rate at April 2021

grego 10:34 08/10/2021

it was around 485 at the end of April

Ebere 10:30 08/10/2021

560 Naira, 8/10/21, Lagos

Ty 07:05 08/10/2021

Please what is the rate of dollar today( 8/10/2021)

Azab 21:40 04/10/2021

Current exchange rate for USD

Kunle 15:07 04/10/2021

1$ = 575 Naira

felari 16:39 02/10/2021

570 as at today 02/10/2021

lagosy 14:44 30/09/2021

560, 30/09

abegya 16:17 29/09/2021

560 29/09/21 in Lagos

Glathis 15:41 29/09/2021

I changed some dollars yesterday (28/09/21) in Benin for ₦569/$

adeb 11:00 29/09/2021

29 Sep, 555, Lagos

Ferz 14:09 28/09/2021


rezzb 13:07 28/09/2021

567 as of 28/09

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Naira Currency Converter