Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021
How much is 124ec in naira
Disclaimer: can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here.
Apex - 05:15 18/10/2021 What is the price of Pi to Naira and how to sell your Pi? Can you share your ideas? |
Eva - 09:22 02/03/2022 Please can someone show me how to calculate the rate?? Where can I see it to enable be start trading? |
Nyben - 18:22 20/10/2021 Want to know before selling mine can someone help |
Emma - 14:26 28/09/2021 Pls, how many cards can I use on Advcash per month? |
UKC - 09:09 24/11/2021 Can anyone help with historical data of Access bank FX rate |
PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THAT DURING A PANDEMIC THE POOREST ARE BEING EXPLOITED BY MEN IN JAMAICA SEEKING TO CON AFRICA USING THE LUMI CURRENCY. A FAKE CURRENCY WARNED AS UNREGULATED AND FAKE BY JAMAICAS OWN BANK AND GOVERNMENT PLEASE GET THE TRUTH SEEN On 22nd Feb 2021 GhanaWeb wrote about ‘The Birth of the Lumi’ by Afrikatu Kofi Nkrumah. The parting comments stated ‘stay tuned for more information on the Lumi and on the 6 Trillion Dollar Stimulus package for the African Diaspora’. The article, an advert for the Lumi followed mass advertising in relation to the crypto/non-crypto currency promising so mucH ON THE BACK OF LIES. I am writing to provide the very information the public should know and GhanaWeb should have investigated prior to producing commentary which has led to Ghanaians filling the pockets of men proven in deception and incapable of looking after other people’s money. First we need to go back to 17th June 2016 when Linus Etube born 16th June 1970 established Swifin Global Ltd in the United Kingdom (company number 10238445) alongside German, Jocelyn Braun and others (including his wife). Swifin Global Ltd would have at its height £163.44 in shares divided into a monstrous number of shares with nominal values of £0.00001 EACH (remember this number for later). After publishing losses of -£130’935 in Apr 2017 Swifin Global Ltd would rename (3 months later) as Ainfin Ltd. A further year and Ainfin Ltd would declare insolvency leaving pensions, creditors, HMRC Tax with a £377’227.46 blackhole. On 10th September 2019 AINFIN (Swifin) was liquidated. A failed business venture. Sedel Capital LLP based 98.8% of its income on a Technology Platform ‘used by its Partners outside the UK’ but based this income on unrealised earnings from financial technology platform other peculiar events included Sedel Capital LLP increasing its intangible assets by £1.5m from £0 and accruing £730’436 in outstanding loans. The change of Swifin Global Ltd to Ainfin Ltd already insolvent and liquidated meant Sedel wasn’t tied to Ainfin publicly as such the public would have faith in Swifin and all the associated persons. I put Etube and Swifin aside for now and in comes Timothy McPherson (same surname as Swifin liquidator). Timothy McPherson is referred to as Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Chief, His Excellency and Crown Vizier of the Territory of the Maroons in Jamaica, started to appear in 2016 and again 2019 indicating his creation of the Lumi, a currency and physical note backed by solar energy and valued at 4 grains of gold ($15) when the Jamaican Dollar internationally recognised is worth $0.0067. Non-regulated. Non-crypto. No value. As Ghana Web highlights this is not a crypto currency as such like all bank notes must be backed by a countries bank. Luckily McPherson is also the self-titled Founder and Governor of Accompong Central Bank (ACB). Further luck would help McPherson when the Lumi was designated by himself the official currency of the Economic Community of African Diaspora Sixth Region (ECO-6). McPherson had created a bubble economy in his own backyard, but the question was when it would burst. A self made persona in every sense (in an area which has 700-900 inhabitants). The information has changed over time as McPherson initially tried the feat in 2016 (the same year Swifin Global incorporated) but instead used The Central Solar Reserve Bank of Accompong as his vehicle to back the Lumi. McPherson amended his website (registered 25th Sep 2020) to feature persons such as President Nana Akufo-Addo and President Macky Sall (Senegal) in attempts to legitimise contacts whilst pushing for investment in the Lumi and produced by Accompong Central Bank. Mcpherson would also start using his contact Louis-Georges Tin and former Colonel Ferron Williams to gain contacts and advertise the Lumi. In March 2021 McPherson lost to Richard Currie who publically cited McPherson, Lumi and associated persons as a framework operating without official recognition. The Bank of Jamaica would itself send out an advisory stating Lumi is not licensed. Nothing supports the currency and official banks and persons warn against falling for a scam. In the UK Etube was busy establishing and purchased,, and which are tied to the purchase of the ECO-6 ID Card, yours for £105.00 and their use of AKL currency online (African Kingdoms Lumi). This link is undeniable, Swifin and its partners are supporting the purchase of Lumi and asking for £105 for the privilege but if Lumi is worth $15 and backed by solar energy my money is surely safe and £105 is a small fee to trade and hold such a currency when it pays 6.26 AKL to each account holder as a stimulus cheque every month for 36 months from Oct 2020 (maths 36months 6.26AKL = 225.36 AKL over the period x $0.00001 = $0.00225) generating users and costing Swifin (Etoube) 4 x less than a single cent. Lied about the currency value and continue to advertise its $15 strength when worth almost nothing yet ask for £105 for the $0.00225. There is but one issue and that is what if the currency had no such value? What if at its height of launch its value was $0.00874 (slightly higher than the Jamaican dollar!) but slid downward to $0.00001, yet its supporters own both the platform that backs it and continually make news and advertise to gain supporters who pay the £105 and more for a currency which isn’t supported by anyone except Etoube and McPherson? What if its Wikipedia site was populated by persons who then delete their accounts? False advertising. So Ghana, Jamaica and Africa go back to the top and the nominal share value of Swifin Global Ltd (£0.00001) and realise investing in AKL (Lumi) is worth just that £0.00001, the same amount as the insolvent company which started it all and renamed just like McPherson in order to deceive Africans and Jamaicans for the betterment of themselves.
For real...
How much Dollar to Naira
I am looking at exchanging some Indian rupees. What is the rate I will get?
How much is McPherson Kansas in Nigeria currency
How much is 42.88000 in South Africa rand
I want to convert my money to naira
i wanna change my akl 736.05779783 to zar
how much eco-lumi-6 to naira?
How much 150 ec to naira
Buying Dollar @690 Cash or transfer. Buying USDT @685. Instant Funding. Location: Gwagwalada Abuja Call or WhatsApp me on 07034652851
Hi contact me for all e-currency Trade. I trade in Bitcoin, payoneer funds, PayPal funds, Skrill topup, Netteller and USDT. We credit your account as fast as your transaction is confirmed. We also do f2f transaction. What'sapp on 08149740841
I want to charge my akl to Nigeria
How much is lumi in naira?
Pls I want to convert my Eco 6 Lumi 8 months interested person should contact me 09034116033
Plzz need legit dealers for dollar transaction
Chat me up for all kind of currency exchange and crypto currency to be send to any part of the world immediately me and my company do face to face business ....+234 907 824 1905
It is said that, 6.26 Lumi is equivelant to $100
Contact Us for your GHS and XAF 74 Naira per GHS .96 Naira per XAF WhatsApp: +233579206447
If you want to exchange you akl to naira contact me but we share the money 50/50 if you are interested DM me 08161956263
Àm interested please, I want to exchange my Akl to naira
I am very much interested 07032196989
Am interested 07057771110
Am in
Hey I have some AkL and I need some cash
How much is 37.56000000 in Rands
1AKL to Nigeria money is 6200.
How much is 25.04000000ec in naira ( AKL )
Who much 31.30 to Nigeria
How to converted my eco lumi
I want to change akl money to nagerian money
How is fake
How do we do about it? M also having akl huge amount in my acct now,.. DM me, 08141242264
Am yet to get mine converted into naira
My brother have they started converting to Lumi to Naira?
36. Oo
Convert eco to other currency pls how??
Official LUMI rate is $15.96 given in website. 124 * 15.96 = 1979 US Dollars. So its Naira equivalent depends on your supply. If you can sell it for official rate 410, it is around ₦ 811,000, if you can sell it on street for 560 then it is around ₦ 1,108,000
Mr. Frank please DM me on: 07057771110
How can I do, to sell my Eco-6 lumi? 07057771110 for DM
Mr Frank pls contact me we need to talk... 08035582709
Many people do not understand the concept of digital currency
But how can I sell it pls
But how can I sell it pls
how can I do this?
how can I do this?
How to sale it bro
How can I convert 13ec in naira pls
i want to swap my lumi message me on whatsapp...+2347081153537
I have 46 AKL for sale DM me on WhatsApp No. 081439088115
How much is this 6.26043820 convent to Naria
Earning Bitcoin
This is nonsense, you claimed you want to help the poor, rather you are suppressing them the more, you expect the poor to hold on till in the next 3 years before they can make use of what you are claiming to be given them, some will use it in their graves
But what are you losing . Where is the scam? The article above states that you have to pay 105£ to hold the lumi. Which is bot true. There is no cost connected to signing up on the swifin platform. 6.26lumi are given out to all swifin account holders for 3 years to promote the use of this new currency. The goal is to get enough people to use it and nothing, so I don't see where there could be a scam. As no one is asking for any money. The 105£ for the ECO6 citizenship is only for members of the african diaspora that have to citizenship of a african country. So the african communities outside of Africa ( african disaspora as defined by the AU constitution) can take part in the african free trade agreement. It is more like a membership card. I for example as a jamaican of african descent can now take part and enjoy the benefits of the african free trade agreeanf making full use of my Lumi. This is what the ECO6 citizenship is about. It has nothing to do with signing up or holding the Lumi!
When can we convert our lumi currency to NGN naira
How much is 31 Akl in naira
I went to exchange eco lumi currency in Nigeria
I want to convert my money
How much is 12eco in naira
I have lumi to sell too very chea0
I have 200 eco 6 lumi for sale, for the rate #300000 naira only if interested contact 08127078075, 08166069172
How can I withdraw my swifin currency
How can I transfer my akl to my naira account
how can i move the money to my account and convert eco 6 lumi to naira
Convert 47.85000000
How do I convert eco 6 lumi to Nigerian money please
How to convert eco 6 lumi to naira
6.3 AKL
How to convert eco 6 lumi to naira
How can I move the money to my account
I don't no
This thing no be scam 1!!!!
How much is 6.26 akl in naira
1akl is equivalent to to $100
Morning,pls how can I change Akl into Naira. Or how can we benefit from it.
U guys are all fools, just calm and wait for it to be certified after that u can all exchange and have your money
I want to sell my Akl to naria in Delta State
What is the latest about eco 6 lumi
How can I access and remove my money from all account?
Eco6lumi is this trul
how can i convert eco6 lumi to naira
How much is 6.26 all is for nig
How much Naira equivalent is 25 Luminos
How can I invest?
How can I withdraw my eco 12.5 to my Nigeria account
How can I change my AKL
How much is 6.28
How much akl 6.26 ngn
How can i withdraw my AKL in naira?
How much Akl 6.26 to NGn