Yuan to Naira BDC Rate

Comment on Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Naira BDC Rates

Disclaimer: NgnRates.com can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users commented here; use this platform only for data purposes.

ChinaBoy 05:56 15/08/2024

August 15, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦223.5/¥). [ +++++ We also provide the following SWAP Services: (1.) CNY to NGN; (2.) USDT to CNY; and (3.) CNY to USDT ]

ChinaBoy 05:10 04/04/2024

April 4, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦179.6/¥).

ChinaBoy 05:09 12/03/2024

March 12, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦228.8/¥).

ChinaBoy 06:10 05/03/2024

March 5, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦229.2/¥).

ChinaBoy 06:29 27/02/2024

Feb. 27, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦235.4/¥).

ChinaBoy 08:12 21/02/2024

Feb. 21, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦266.5/¥).

ChinaBoy 05:09 14/02/2024

Feb. 14, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦222.3/¥).

ChinaBoy 05:05 13/02/2024

Feb. 13, 2024: **** We provide CNY (RMB) Payment/Transfer Service to all Forms of China-based Accounts. It is important to make the following Clarifications: (1.) All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon to Fri. (2.) Rate also is only given and valid during the above-stated Period. (3.) Please follow our Rules/Guidelines for smooth processing when you come to us. Don't try creating your own Rules for us. (4.) Your Funds are always 100% safe with us. No Client has ever been cheated, and none will ever be. Also, we only sell CNY (RMB). We don't buy. (5.) We always strive to wrap up all Transactions before 11 am Nig. Time. This 11 am is already 6 pm China Time, and there's no Customer Care (of any Bank, Alipay or Wechat) to call at this time if there is any lssue with funding a Recipient's Acct., so do come early enough. Thank you! WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (*** Today's Rate: ₦217.7/¥).

ChinaBoy 07:03 31/01/2024

Jan. 31, 2024: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Transfer/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦217.6/¥).


What is your current rate now

ChinaBoy 07:32 11/01/2024

Jan. 11, 2024: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. *** Be free to ask for Rate on Weekdays b/w 7 and 7.30 am Nig. Time without feeling any obligation to buy. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦180.2/¥).

ChinaBoy 07:39 28/12/2023

Dec. 28, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. *** All Buying/Payment Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri.; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440 (Rate: ₦172.8/¥).

ChinaBoy 07:21 14/12/2023

Dec. 14, 2023: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. *** Be free to ask for Rate on Weekdays b/w 7 and 7.30 am Nig. Time without feeling any obligation to buy (Rate: ₦178.4/¥).

ChinaBoy 07:09 30/11/2023

Nov. 30, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) through Transfers to all China-based Accounts and Wallets. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. *** All Buying Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8 am Nig. Time from Mon. to Fri. (Rate: ₦167.6/¥).

ChinaBoy 07:12 16/11/2023

Nov. 16, 2023: **** You can buy Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) from us via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. *** Be free to ask for Rate on Weekdays b/w 7 and 7.30 am Nig. Time without feeling any obligation to buy (Rate: ₦160.5/¥).

ChinaBoy 07:30 02/11/2023

Nov. 2, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦164.7/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 07:01 19/10/2023

Oct. 19, 2023: **** We provide CNY (RMB) Transfer Service to all Forms of China-based Accounts. It is important to make the following Clarifications: (1.) All Buying Orders are accepted only between 7 and 8am Nig. Time from Mon to Fri. (2.) Rates also are only given and valid during the above-stated Period. (3.) Please follow our Rules/Guidelines for smooth processing when you come to us. Don't try creating your own Rules for us. (4.) Your Funds are always 100% safe with us. No Client has ever been cheated, and none will ever be. Also, we only sell CNY (RMB). We don't buy. (5.) We always strive to wrap up all Transactions before 11am Nig. Time. This 11am is already 6pm China Time, and there's no Customer Care (of any Bank, Alipay or Wechat) to call at this time if there is any lssue with funding a Recipient's Acct., so do come early enough. Thank you! ***Today's Rate: ₦158.4/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440.

ChinaBoy 07:24 05/10/2023

Oct. 5, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦140.3/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 07:25 25/09/2023

Sept. 25, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦139.2/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 07:59 14/09/2023

Sept. 14, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦133.8/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 07:33 04/09/2023

Sept. 4, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦130.4/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:07 28/08/2023

August 28, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦130.2/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 07:27 17/08/2023

August 17, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦125.3/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:57 10/08/2023

August 10, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦130.6/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 10:54 17/07/2023

July 17, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦116.4/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:36 22/06/2023

June 22, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦109.2/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 09:59 06/06/2023

June 6, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Transfers to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rate: ₦108.4/¥. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:47 20/04/2023

April 20, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rates - Banks: ₦107.6; Wallets: ₦107.9; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 08:00 13/04/2023

April 13, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rates - Banks: ₦107.5; Wallets: ₦107.8; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 09:08 05/04/2023

April 5, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rates - Banks: ₦108.2; Wallets: ₦108.6; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615060196440. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

ChinaBoy 07:08 10/02/2023

Feb. 10, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rates - Banks: ₦110.5; Wallets: ₦110.8; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615005908420. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

urbaneSpiff83 17:49 26/03/2023

I need RMB ... what's your rates please

ChinaBoy 14:26 24/05/2022

*** We Sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Direct Transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets at Fair Rates. You can buy even as small as 1 CNY from us. Our Transfers are Instant, Safe & Reliable. WhatsApp: +8615005908420; Serious Enquiries Only Pls!

Phoenix 20:27 20/02/2023

Hello. Please do you verify wechat account, mine is inactive

ChinaBoy 07:29 02/02/2023

Feb. 2, 2023: **** We sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets. Rates - Banks: ₦111.4; Wallets: ₦111.8; WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615005908420. Please, Only Serious Enquiries!

Stan cruz 03:13 03/06/2022

I need RMB alipay and WeChat , if u not real don't Chat me pls 08035377701 WhatsApp If u are serious business minded press the number ✌️

Sam 22:43 19/12/2022

Hello do still need rmb?

ChinaBoy 12:51 17/10/2022

*** We Sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Direct Transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets at Fair Rates. You can buy even as small as 1 CNY from us. Our Transfers are Instant, Safe & Reliable. WhatsApp: +8615806064429, +8615005908420; Serious Enquiries Only Pls! [ ** We also provide Escrow Service for various Currency Transactions ]

Benson Sophia 06:36 29/09/2022

How can i buy rmb from uba bank

Mickey-jay corporation 16:50 13/06/2022

We sell RMB for reasonable rate. Whatsapp us on +233266241856 or use the link below : https://wa.me/message/ZITCSYKXL5TPG1 We are reliable and trustworthy. Chinese bank, wechat pay, and Alipay account available to receive and transfer RMB. Instant crediting.

Mickey-Jay Corporation 23:52 20/05/2022

We sell RMB for reasonable rate. Whatsapp us on +233266241856 or use the link below : https://wa.me/message/ZITCSYKXL5TPG1 We are reliable and trustworthy. Chinese bank, wechat pay, and Alipay account available to receive and transfer RMB.

Khalifa 10:39 20/05/2022

I buy rmb good rate Alipay, wechat pay kindly talk massage on whatsapp or wechat +8618469194974

Bee Hasco 22:58 19/05/2022

Need RMB for sell location should be Zamfara or Lagos will be going for the best rate

Danjuma 06:15 19/05/2022

I buy RMB. Alipay, wechat pay, and China bank card. All available. Whatsapp me on +2348122658847. To receive and transfer RMB. Sure Vendor.

Mickey - Jay Corporation 05:03 03/05/2022

We sell RMB for reasonable rate. Whatsapp us on +233266241856 or use the link below : https://wa.me/message/ZITCSYKXL5TPG1 We are reliable and trustworthy. Chinese bank, wechat pay, and Alipay account available to receive and transfer RMB.

A.A YUSUF 03:57 01/05/2022

We are buying and selling of USD,EURO, CFA,GBP we're here at ABUJA & KADUNA 09120040615 08146878561 chat

A.A.Gombe 14:34 25/04/2022

1million RMB for sell Bank to bank, Transfer. Vendor Alipay. At best rate 08108722226whatsapp

Mickey - Jay Corporation 17:42 10/04/2022

We sell RMB for reasonable rate. Whatsapp us on +233266241856 or use the link below : https://wa.me/message/ZITCSYKXL5TPG1 We are reliable and trustworthy.

Adex 12:51 21/05/2021

I want to sell yuan. Pls I want to know where I can sell in ilorin

Big 01:46 07/04/2022

Rmb vendor is a scammer. Beware

RMB VENDOR 07:15 17/03/2022

We buy RMB. WhatsApps Only: +8613924827486

Cushybuy 21:20 16/01/2022

Click here to contact us https://wa.me/2347015065551

Wizi 16:21 15/09/2021

You still looking to sell?

ChinaBoy 10:00 11/03/2022

*** We Sell Chinese Yuan (CNY/RMB) via Direct Transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets at Fair Rates. You can buy even as small as 1 CNY from us. Our Transfers are Instant, Safe & Reliable. WhatsApp: +8615005908420; Serious Enquiries Only Pls!

Lekaz 13:02 30/03/2022

What's your rate today

Surestyuanplug 🔌 07:28 23/03/2022

Sell and buy RMB ASAP WhatsApp 07066478662 do that now 💯 fast and reliable

Lekaz 13:01 30/03/2022

What's your rate today

Ray 06:46 16/03/2022

How much is the rate now ? RMB to Naira

SurestRmbplug🔌 00:32 12/03/2022

I buy and sell Rmb contact me on WhatsApp 07066478662

God over everything 23:34 19/02/2022

RMB AVAILABLE Crediting Alipay, WeChat and China banks, contact me via whatsapp 07061206011. We help you pay your China 🇨🇳 suppliers, school fees. Quick payment upon confirming naira.

Surestplug 🙏 22:43 14/02/2022

I buy and sell Rmb contact me on WhatsApp 07066478662

Suzan 09:21 20/10/2021

Buy from BAS Rmb exchange,I use to buy from them more often

Whis 10:26 10/02/2022

Bass and a scammerrrr!! Avoid him

AYO 07:29 07/12/2021

Thanks @ChinaBoy. I really appreciate. Investigation is ON. He can't escape this. I can only assure him he is spending his xmas and new year in Detention. Its a pity he is putting the lives of his family members in danger with this stupid act. I can't say more than this.

ChinaBoy 15:13 06/12/2021

@AYO: Sorry to read about what your situation. I have seen the figures you put out there. They are just too good to be true. Your figures mean you were offered N87/RMB. That's impossible! You wanted too-cheap, and got scammed in the process. I hope you succeed in retrieving your money. Good Luck! (You can buy any amount of RMB from us, even as small as 1 RMB; All by Transfer to China Bank Accounts and Alipay/WeChat Wallets; WhatsApp: +8615005908420; Serious Buyers Only Pls!)

AYO 10:08 03/12/2021

How sure are you. BAS IS A FRAUD. HE JUST RAN WITH MY MONEY. N75,690. for RMB870. If you know him, tell him to refund. ANTIFRAUD ON HIM NOW.

Stan 03:06 03/02/2022

Please I need RMB agent contact with chip or good rate 08035377701 , my WhatsApp number

Zeko Xchange 05:09 21/01/2022

Am buying Rmb always message me on WhatsApp 07066478662 best rate

Ccc 17:40 25/01/2022

Scammer nice continue u shall be rewarded soon

NJ EMPIRE 18:23 11/01/2022

Buying and selling of RMB, fast payment and good rate you, direct payment like Alipay,WeChat and China bank, 08157194004

clx 15:38 25/01/2022

what's ur rate pls

Toyn 12:34 11/11/2021

I have 2500RMB to sell

Zeko Xchange 05:18 21/01/2022

Dm rmb Kïñg 07066478662

Lade 09:24 23/08/2021

I have bulk Yuan to sell in Lagos

Zeko Xchange 05:15 21/01/2022

Rmb Kïñg is here dm 07066478662

N-TECH 08:14 14/11/2021

How much is it

Armada 11:57 25/09/2021

What's your rate?

Handsome 18:29 23/09/2021

I want to buy. May we discuss?

NJ EMPIRE 21:30 19/01/2022

Buying and selling RMB,fast payment,24/7 active 08157194004 call text WhatsApp

NJ EMPIRE 07:16 13/01/2022

Buying and selling of RMB good rate and fast payment text or call 08157194004

NJ EMPIRE 01:18 12/01/2022

Active, buying and selling of RMB good rate,fast payment, paying through Alipay, WeChat and China bank, contact me via 08157194004

NJ EMPIRE 05:34 11/01/2022

Buying and selling of RMB good rate fast payment hit me on whatsapp,or contact me 08157194004,and am also send to Alipay, WeChat and China bank

NJ EMPIRE 09:14 10/01/2022

Active and buying and selling RMB fast payment add me on whatapp or call me 08157194004

azeez ventures 09:42 09/01/2022

buying and selling of RMB at good rate, I can send to Alipay WeChat and China bank Kindly contact me with good offer @09152638410 call or text me on whatsapp

NJ EMPIRE 06:15 08/01/2022

Buying and selling RMB at good rate call or text via WhatsApp 08157194004

NJ EMPIRE 18:27 07/01/2022

Buying and selling RMB good rate fast payment contact me via phone or WhatsApp 08157194004

KNJEMPIRE 08:16 07/01/2022

Buying and selling of RMB good rate contact me @08157194004

KING NONO JAY EMPIRE 06:52 07/01/2022

Am Buying and Selling RMB good rate and fast just contact me 08157194004

delaruh 08:13 23/12/2021

i do have yuan to sell , contact or chat me via 09021612220 ......today 23rd of december 2021 my exchange rate is 92.5

fast exchange 18:50 22/12/2021

buying and selling RMB and USDT at good rate Kindly send me a message on whatsapp or call me @ 09152638410

computer 04:27 27/04/2020

do you know were i can buy yuan in Abuja.

It's Madin kz 12:16 13/12/2021

I have 3 yuan Haw much in Nigerian money

AYO 10:08 03/12/2021

@Ahmed, if you know BAS, tell him to return my money. BAS IS A FRAUD. HE JUST RAN WITH MY MONEY. N75,690. for RMB870. If you know him, tell him to refund. ANTIFRAUD ON HIM NOW.

Ahmed 14:05 17/10/2021

Bas exchange sells Rmb at a cheap rate-07059221705 that's their contact, thank me later

safeplux 21:46 08/09/2021

where can i buy yuan in Abuja?

Light 12:16 23/08/2021

Where can I buy yuan in Abuja

Flora 13:17 09/11/2021

Bas exchange and phoneix exchange which one is better in term of transaction

AYO 10:04 03/12/2021

He is a fraud. His no has been unreachable after transferring money to him. Perhaps you are the same person under disguise. Anti fraud on your case. When am done with you, you will think na billions you steal.

AYO 09:48 03/12/2021

BAS Exchange is a fraud, Those promoting him/her here should come out and defend him. if you know him, let him know he has just defrauded the wrong person. ANTIFRAUD UNIT is on your case now.

Toyn 12:26 11/11/2021

I Have 2500RMB to sell, contact me on 08076044079

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