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Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021
How much is 124ec in naira
Cash - 20:36 10/11/2022
Within an interval of 2 days dollar fall back at rate of 720 . What is the cause ?
Bucchak - 13:20 29/09/2021
When will naira rise against dollar? The downfall of naira is getting out of hand, imagine 1dollar trading at #585. This is very bad
Ed✍🏽 - 21:11 12/12/2021
Any idea where I can buy skrill funds cheap at access bank rate of 470/$? I don’t mind paying 485 though
Abdul - 04:15 09/02/2023
Please i need a reliable source data for the Dollor to Naira average on a year on year basis history from 2005 to 2022. Purpose is for re...
Xaf changes de NGN