Source | Rate | Change | Date |
CBN | ₦ 214.22 | -0.47% | 30/12/24 |
Moneygram | ₦ 62.52 | 0.57% | 03/12/20 |
Disclaimer: can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users commented here; use this platform only for data purposes.
Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021
How much is 124ec in naira
Ismail - 22:37 05/02/2023
Can someone please recommend best tool to manage daily FX transactions. Someone recommended FXIQ to me recently, though I am yet to chec...
FintechCurious - 12:29 13/07/2022, a Nigerian startup based in London, helps Africans to minimize costs while sending money to their sub-Saharan origin countries....
DannyJr - 01:03 05/10/2021
What bank has the best rate for PayPal please? I currently use UBA and it's $408 per dollar
Usdt - 12:34 16/10/2021
Please I need someone to teach me how to use transferwise deposit or any other app that is similar to transferwise I will surely pay hand...