Danish Krone to Naira exchange rate is set as ₦216.2251 by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) today, January 21, 2025. Danish Krone started last week at ₦211.5789 in CBN exchange rate lists on Monday, January 13, 2025. This makes a 2.20% rise for Danish Krone rate against Naira in CBN since last week.
To have a monthly quick review, we see that Krone to Naira exchange rate was ₦213.0747 on Thursday, January 02, 2025 at the beginning of January. With DKK rate set at ₦216.2251 now, we see a 1.48% rise for Danish Krone to Naira exchange rates in CBN for this January.
Disclaimer: NgnRates.com can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here.
Danish Krone | Naira |
1 Danish Krone to Naira | ₦ 216.2251 |
5 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 1,081.1255 |
10 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 2,162.251 |
20 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 4,324.502 |
50 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 10,811.255 |
100 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 21,622.51 |
200 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 43,245.02 |
500 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 108,112.55 |
1000 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 216,225.1 |
2000 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 432,450.2 |
5000 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 1,081,125.5 |
Danish Krone to Naira CBN sell rates are used in calculating the Danish Krone to Naira conversion table.
Naira | Danish Krone |
1 Naira to Danish Krone | kr 0.0046 |
5 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.0231 |
10 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.0463 |
20 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.0926 |
50 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.2315 |
100 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.463 |
200 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.926 |
500 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 2.315 |
1000 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 4.63 |
5000 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 23.15 |
Danish Krone to Naira CBN buy rates are used in calculating the Naira to Danish Krone conversion table.
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