Danish Krone to Naira CBN Rate

Updated on 17:03 21/02/2025
DKK NGNGet Updates: OffSell: 210.3395 0.01%Buy: 210.1994Naira to Danish Krone Exchange Rate₦ 1 = kr 0.00476
Previous Day Comparison
+₦ 0.023
% Change
Last 30 Days High/Low
₦ 216.7967 on 22/01/2025
₦ 204.4445 on 03/02/2025
Last 365 Days High/Low
₦ 216.7967 on 22/01/2025
₦ 204.4445 on 03/02/2025

Danish Krone to Naira CBN - Central Bank of Nigeria Rate Chart

Daily Danish Krone to Naira CBN - Central Bank of Nigeria Review

Suggested Danish Krone trade rate is ₦210.3395 according to Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) today, February 21, 2025. Initial DKK rate was noted as ₦211.9311 at the beginning of this week on Monday, February 17, 2025. This corresponds to a 0.75% fall for Danish Krone in CBN this week.

To have a monthly quick review, we see that DKK to Naira exchange rate was ₦204.4445 on Monday, February 03, 2025 at the beginning of February. As of today with Danish Krone seen at ₦210.3395, we see a 2.88% rise for DKK to Naira exchange rates in CBN for this February.

Comment on Danish Krone to Naira CBN Rates

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Convert Danish Krone to Naira in CBN

Danish KroneNaira
1 Danish Krone to Naira₦ 210.3395
5 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 1,051.6975
10 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 2,103.395
20 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 4,206.79
50 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 10,516.975
100 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 21,033.95
200 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 42,067.9
500 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 105,169.75
1000 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 210,339.5
2000 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 420,679
5000 Danish Krones to Naira₦ 1,051,697.5

Danish Krone to Naira CBN sell rates are used in calculating the Danish Krone to Naira conversion table.

Naira Currency Converter

Naira to Danish Krone CBN Rate

  • Sell: ₦ 1 = kr 0.00476
  • Buy: ₦ 1 = kr 0.00475
  • Previous Day Comparison
    • Change: kr NaN
    • % Change: -0.01%

Convert Naira to Danish Krone in CBN

NairaDanish Krone
1 Naira to Danish Kronekr 0.0048
5 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.0238
10 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.0476
20 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.0952
50 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.238
100 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.476
200 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 0.952
500 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 2.38
1000 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 4.76
5000 Nairas to Danish Kronekr 23.8

Danish Krone to Naira CBN buy rates are used in calculating the Naira to Danish Krone conversion table.

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