Danish Krone to Naira exchange rate is set as ₦214.1432 by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) today, December 20, 2024. Initial Krone rate was noted as ₦215.6582 at the beginning of this week on Monday, December 16, 2024. This corresponds to a 0.70% decrease for Krone in CBN this week.
To have a monthly quick review, we see that Danish Krone to Naira exchange rate was ₦234.04 on Monday, December 02, 2024 at the beginning of December. As of today with Krone seen at ₦214.1432, we see a 8.50% fall for Krone to Naira exchange rates in CBN for this December.
Disclaimer: NgnRates.com can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here.
Danish Krone | Naira |
1 Danish Krone to Naira | ₦ 214.1432 |
5 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 1,070.716 |
10 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 2,141.432 |
20 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 4,282.864 |
50 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 10,707.16 |
100 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 21,414.32 |
200 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 42,828.64 |
500 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 107,071.6 |
1000 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 214,143.2 |
2000 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 428,286.4 |
5000 Danish Krones to Naira | ₦ 1,070,716 |
Danish Krone to Naira CBN sell rates are used in calculating the Danish Krone to Naira conversion table.
Naira | Danish Krone |
1 Naira to Danish Krone | kr 0.0047 |
5 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.0234 |
10 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.0467 |
20 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.0934 |
50 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.2335 |
100 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.467 |
200 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 0.934 |
500 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 2.335 |
1000 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 4.67 |
5000 Nairas to Danish Krone | kr 23.35 |
Danish Krone to Naira CBN buy rates are used in calculating the Naira to Danish Krone conversion table.
Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021
How much is 124ec in naira
Lionel - 18:35 22/10/2021
I want to buy perfect money upto 500$ who has to sell?
DammyEnt - 00:43 24/11/2021
Top of the day everyone, I wanna make inquiry if anyone here sell Africard fund. Thanks in anticipation.
MKmaina - 19:53 26/11/2021
We buy perfect money and payeer fund at 500/$. we do one on one bussiness to avoid people with huge amount being exposed to To scam. we h...
Nyben - 18:22 20/10/2021
Want to know before selling mine can someone help