IOTA to Naira Exchange Rates

  • IOTA/NGN138.807
  • Updated on 09:20 22/12/2024Source: Binance
  • IOTA/NGN rate is estimated by multiplying Binance IOTA/USD rate and Parallel Market USD/NGN sell rate
  • IOTA/USD$0.2862-0.0323 (-10.14%)
  • MaxMin
    24H₦ 0.3212 ₦ 0.2785
    7 days₦ 0.4029₦ 0.2528
    30 days₦ 0.6328₦ 0.2528
  • Volume 51,054,479 IOTA | $ 15,054,550

IOTA to Dollar Rate Chart

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IOTA Rate on Other Platforms

CoinbaseIOTA/USD$ 0.29
BitfinexIOTA/USD$ 0.29

Naira Currency Converter

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