Cardano to Naira Exchange Rates

  • ADA/NGN440.7195
  • Updated on 09:35 22/12/2024Source: Binance
  • ADA/NGN rate is estimated by multiplying Binance ADA/USD rate and Parallel Market USD/NGN sell rate
  • ADA/USD$0.9087-0.0506 (-5.27%)
  • MaxMin
    24H₦ 0.9826 ₦ 0.8698
    7 days₦ 1.121₦ 0.762
    30 days₦ 1.3264₦ 0.762
  • Volume 268,142,377 ADA | $ 244,549,005

Cardano to Dollar Rate Chart

Comment on Cardano to Naira Rates

Cornelius 09:13 15/07/2021

Why this coins not yet steble?

Dray 11:02 23/09/2022

It's not a stable coin

Ansel 08:25 12/06/2022

If you want to buy any coin please contact me or Whatsapp me 07034315086

Monday 01:34 07/02/2022

How much 2dolar

Samuel marketing 15:53 28/11/2021

I have 35 cardano (ADA) anybody in buying should contact me on 08136492092....

Ovie 17:10 21/09/2021

Hi I have 20 ADA coin for Sela

daberechi 11:54 01/10/2021

how much? +2309066675078

Seven tiger 19:46 23/09/2021

How much per unit

Jaylife 12:50 27/08/2021

I sill cardano at good rate

daberechi 16:08 29/09/2021

I what to buy. +23490666750

beni 11:24 15/09/2021

How much and location if possible send your number

josebanks 05:10 15/09/2021

How much

Jbirah 08:00 20/05/2021

Need advice on the coming n I should buy as long long term investment

Yinka 09:40 22/09/2021

Ada Matic Bnb Reef Proton

AJE. 20:23 06/04/2021

How do I buy cardano

Yinka 09:38 22/09/2021

What country are you from

T.boy 21:06 23/08/2021


Barce 17:29 14/05/2021

What will 146 euros amount to?

Global investor 19:18 27/08/2021

Want to buy I need help

Cardano Rate on Other Platforms

CoinbaseADA/USD$ 0.91

Naira Currency Converter

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