Disclaimer: NgnRates.com can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users commented here; use this platform only for data purposes.
Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021
How much is 124ec in naira
MKTa - 17:54 13/02/2022
I heard gt bank is about 475 but is there something cheaper?
DannyJr - 01:03 05/10/2021
What bank has the best rate for PayPal please? I currently use UBA and it's $408 per dollar
jerrybliss - 10:25 04/10/2021
Exchange Any Crypto Currency For Free •Bitcoin, binance, bitcoin cash, e.t.c •Buy And Sell on your own, be your own boss Click This Lin...
John - 10:58 25/07/2023
Please how can I process and clear my Dollar Cheque here in Nigeria?
I need Naira to AED
How much is 1 dirham to naira today
How much is 1dhs to naira now pls
How much 1 dirhams to naira currency now in black market
How much is the dirham rate to Naira
Good morning Today we Buy Dollar Cash Deposit @ 960/$/$cash @ hand 980/$we buy inflow 980/$ and SELL 995/$ We deals with pounds 1220/£ sell 1240/£ and euro 1010/€ sell 1040/€ AED selling 200, buy 205 etc ...WhatsApp or call @08141775139 Location:: Ogun State ijebu_ode
Naira to Dirham and Dirham to Naira @ good rate. Contact +971586769522.
What's the rate of today bro..12/7/2023 ??
How much is exchange rate AED to Naira as of today pls?
How much is exchange rate from Naira to dirhams today
We buy and sell all Currency and Cryptocurrency at best market rates. We Sell USD ₦760/$, GBP ₦935/£, EURO ₦815/€, RMB ₦106/¥ AUD ₦550, CAD ₦600, GH₵ ₦40, ZAR ₦25, AED ₦210 Gift Cards and all crypto Buy: BTC ₦760/$, ETH ₦755/$, USDT ₦762/$ Instant Payment.. Available for face to face. Alakija St, Surulere, Lagos Whatsapp 24/7 or call now 08054987741
How much is 💱 rate for 25 uae dirham to naira
How how is exchange rate Dirhams to Naira in black market today. Now please I have some Dirhams cash with me I want to exchange it now please 🙏.
How much is exchange rate dhiram to naira in black market today
How much dirhams to naira as in sending
How much is uae dirahm to naira rate today 1/Feb/2023 ? I have 8,500aed to exchange
How much is a driahm to naira to day
How much is exchange rate naira to dhiram today in black market. Reply
How much is the rate from dirham to naira today
How much is exchange rate naira to dhiram today in black market.
How much is dirham to niara black market rate
Naira to Dirhams at good rate whatsapp me on +2348068159515 or Call me on 0568406085 Dip2 location .... Also Do Dirhams to Naira 154 ....
How much is rate today dhiram to naira from Abu Dhabi
I want 800 AED. How can I get it?
I want to buy dollars
Whats dirhams to naira today please, i meed to send
What is AED to Naira today?
To collect drhm 205 to send 200 this rare to day
How much is exchange rate dhiram to naira in black market today
Please today's rate in dirham to Naira
What is the rate of dirham to Naira
Pls what's the rate diraham to naira
dirham is 205 send 212 to collect okay okay contact me on this number +971529893572 +971529070835 okay
How much is exchange rate naira to dhiram today in black market today in black market today.
Dirham to naira how much please
How much is rate for dirham to Naira
Rate now is to send naria with dirham is 225 and also to collect dirhm to naira is 229 okay
To collect Naira from you, what is the rate, please?
How much is exchange rate now.
What's today's rate Naira to dirham
To day is naira to collect dirham now is 209 but dirhram collect naira is 207 okay here is my number okay i stay in dubail +971529070835
How much is black market rate dirham to naira
Please, what's today's rate?
Dirham to naira? I have Dirhams to sale
Please where is your location in Abu Dhabi uae
How much is AEd to naira today
Aed black market to naira selling at 202 and buy at 200 to naira
Your WhatsApp number and Location PLEASE
How much is 1aed to naira?
How much his AED to naira
Please how much is AED TO NAIRA
Pls how much is shekel to naira
We are buying USD @710 Selling @715 zone 4 plaza abuja contact us 08103647598
How much is Dirham to naira black market
How much is naira to dirham
How much naira is to 119dirham
How much is aed to naira (I will give NGN to collect AED)/.
I have 35,000AED @195
3200 AED to naira
Who have dirham I want to change naira. At what rate will you change naira to dirham, I want to change a lot of naira
How much is dirham to naira in black market today i have 10 thousand dirham
Do you still have?
Call me at this number 08144826374
How is aed to naira
What is the rate to send Dirham to naira now ?
I need CAD pls @ 480 kindly call me on 08038610994.
Contact us on Whatsapp : +234 913 694 9221. We trade Foreign Currencies; USD 610, EUR 640, GBP 765, CAD 480, JPY 3.5, AED 160, CFA 940, EGP 30, GHS 68, TRY 30, CHF 500, ZAR 30, AUD 455, RMB 85, USDT 570…Our offices are in Markurdi, Kogi, please kindly contact us For your SAFE AND EAZY EXCHANGE
Hello thanks for your patronage everyone. Today’s CURRENCY RATES:- USD 600, EUR 630, GBP 765, SAR 160, CAD 480, JPY 3.5, AED 165, CFA 940, EGP 30, GHS 70, TRY 30, XAF 900, CHF 500, ZAR 30, AUD 455, RMB 90, We send money home and abroad and buy any currency around the world, inflow and cashflow we open 24/7. Address-: Kano State, Nigeria Contact:09157983744
I need 1000 AED dm now I’m available in kogi state 09127525516
Hi is any one in dubai, I have naira to sell for exchangeto aed... call me +971585870201 WhatsApp +971501347941
Good day guys! Thanks for your trust and continuous patronage everyone. There’s discount for bulk purchase. We’re here to serve you better. Today’s Market RATES >>> USD=590, EUR =640, GBP=740, SAR=160, CAD=460, JPY=3.5, AED=160, CFA=945, EGP=30, GHS=70, TRY=30, XAF=900, CHF=500, ZAR=30, AUD=460… We send money home and abroad and buy any currency around the world, inflow and cashflow. We open 24/7. Address: Emirate estate, Kudir Block. We also have offices in other regions of the country. Contact:-07031469313
How do you send money home at your rate cos I’m interested
Hello thanks for your patronage everyone. Today’s CURRENCY RATES:- USD 590, EUR 630, GBP 765, SAR 160, CAD 480, JPY 3.5, AED 160, CFA 940, EGP 30, GHS 68, TRY 30, XAF 900, CHF 500, ZAR 30, AUD 455, RMB 85, USDT 570, Payooner 440… We send money home and abroad and buy any currency around the world, inflow and cashflow we open 24/7. Nigeria Contact:-+2349075094673
I need AED . Anyone around Sharjah with good rate. Let’s do business.
Naira to Dirhams and Dirhams to Naira at a very good rate. please What's app number+2348068159515... calling number 0568406085.... location Dubai investment park 2 Dip2
kunle why looking for better rate. Can you down d=to eko hotel and do busniess with me. I have naria in sack to depose. call 0805 773 5234
I send and receive money dirahms, I'm based in UAE, Abu hail. Contact: +971589708359 or +2348035559925
Hello thanks for your patronage everyone. Today’s CURRENCY RATES:- USD 590, EUR 630, GBP 765, SAR 160, CAD 480, JPY 3.5, AED 160, CFA 940, EGP 30, GHS 68, TRY 30, XAF 900, CHF 500, ZAR 30, AUD 455, RMB 85, USDT 570, Payooner 440… We send money home and abroad and buy any currency around the world, inflow and cashflow we open 24/7. Address-: Sokoto state, Nigeria Contact:-08106498245
Rmb needed
I want to buy Cedis. Do you have office in Enugu State?? I will be buying 7000 Cedis everyday.
Anyone with a good rate. Dirhams to naira. + 971524808046
Are you on WhatsApp
Mr Danjuma is a Scammer and I will know what to do to him if he refuse to refund my money back
Thanks to everyone that has patronize us... we will always continue to serve you better in truth and honesty ... $6500 available @570 rate pounds @700 rate.. we also help in any overseas payments... we are open to F2F deal and as well for meet up.. interested kindly contact +2349164795413 you can also chat us on whatsapp
How much is dirham to naira now
Hello guys " Please be careful in doing business with ( Alhaji Usman), he's fraudster he has Scammed me the amount of 160k in exchange for 1000aed and blocked my WhatsApp after when I made payment to his Nigeria account.
Does anyone have Dirham for naira at good rate in sportcity Dubai??
0553949887 any one that need dirham or sending dirham to Nigeria account that stays in sharjah industries area 6 contract my number for a good rate
Naira to AED. Anyone with a good rate. Let’s do Business.
AED to Naira #156 only, location ABU dhabi at a very good rate.
How much is naira to aed
Anyone in Deira or somewhere close. I need dirhams. A good rate. If you do $ to Naira let’s talk too.
Naira to Dirham and Dirham to Naira @ good rate. Contact +971586769522.
How much is dirham to naira now asap am in Dubai academy