Seychellois Rupee to Naira FX Market Rate

Updated on 18:16 14/03/2025
SCR NGNGet Updates: Off0.00Naira to Seychellois Rupee Exchange Rate₦ 1 = SR 0.00000
Previous Day Comparison
% Change

Seychellois Rupee to Naira Foreign Exchange Market Rate Chart

Daily Seychellois Rupee to Naira Foreign Exchange Market Review

Seychellois Rupee is being traded at ₦110.124 in foreign exchange markets (FX markets) today, July 24, 2024. SCR has been traded at ₦110.775 when this week started on Monday, July 22, 2024. This corresponds to a 0.59% fall for SR in FX market this week.

When we look at the whole month, SR was traded at ₦103.845 at the beginning of July on Monday, July 01, 2024. As of today with Seychellois Rupee being traded at ₦110.124, we see a 6.05% rise for Seychellois Rupee to Naira exchange rates in FX markets for this July.

Comment on Seychellois Rupee to Naira FX Market Rates

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Convert Seychellois Rupee to Naira in FX Market

Seychellois RupeeNaira
1 Seychellois Rupee to Naira₦ 0
5 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0
10 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0
20 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0
50 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0
100 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0
200 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0
500 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0
1000 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0
2000 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0
5000 Seychellois Rupees to Naira₦ 0

Naira Currency Converter

Naira to Seychellois Rupee FX Market Rate

  • Value:₦ 1 = SR 0.00000
  • Previous Day Comparison
    • Change: SR 0
    • % Change: 0.00%

Convert Naira to Seychellois Rupee in FX Market

NairaSeychellois Rupee
1 Naira to Seychellois RupeeSR 0
5 Nairas to Seychellois RupeeSR 0
10 Nairas to Seychellois RupeeSR 0
20 Nairas to Seychellois RupeeSR 0
50 Nairas to Seychellois RupeeSR 0
100 Nairas to Seychellois RupeeSR 0
200 Nairas to Seychellois RupeeSR 0
500 Nairas to Seychellois RupeeSR 0
1000 Nairas to Seychellois RupeeSR 0
5000 Nairas to Seychellois RupeeSR 0

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