Source | Rate | Change | Date |
Moneygram | ₦ 5.15 | 0.00% | 02/12/20 |
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Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021
How much is 124ec in naira
Forexboy - 21:38 11/10/2021
Please provide information that you're sure of. GBP bank rate of any bank is highly welcome and appreciated. Thanks
Greg - 14:23 27/11/2021
Can someone tell how e-naira works, what is its exchange rate, how to buy it and why someone use it?
Sam - 10:13 26/05/2023
I have LYD would like to exchange it to NAIRA or ZAR. Contact me if interested....
Viki_highness - 21:11 23/10/2021
What is the current situation of this issue regarding Central Bank of Nigeria concerning the use of Nigerian banks in Crypto wallet fundi...