Thai Baht to Naira exchange rate is ₦44.2193 in Nigeria foreign exchange markets (FX markets) today, July 24, 2024. THB started this week at ₦44.7352 in foreign exchange markets on Monday, July 22, 2024. This equals to a 1.15% fall for Thai Baht to Naira exchange rate in FX markets for this week so far.
To have a monthly quick review, we see that Baht rate started July at ₦41.6607 on Monday, July 01, 2024. With Thai Baht being traded at ₦44.2193 now, we see a 6.14% increase for THB to Naira exchange rates in FX markets for this July.
Disclaimer: can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here.
Thai Baht | Naira |
1 Thai Baht to Naira | ₦ 0 |
5 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
10 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
20 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
50 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
100 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
200 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
500 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
1000 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
2000 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
5000 Thai Bahts to Naira | ₦ 0 |
Naira | Thai Baht |
1 Naira to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
5 Nairas to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
10 Nairas to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
20 Nairas to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
50 Nairas to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
100 Nairas to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
200 Nairas to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
500 Nairas to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
1000 Nairas to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
5000 Nairas to Thai Baht | ฿ 0 |
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