Mozambican Metical is being traded at ₦24.846 in foreign exchange markets (FX markets) today, July 24, 2024. Initial Mozambican Metical rate was noted as ₦25.212 at the beginning of this week on Monday, July 22, 2024. This equals to a 1.45% fall for Metical to Naira exchange rate in FX markets for this week so far.
When we look at the whole month, we see that Mozambican Metical to Naira exchange rate was ₦23.753 on Monday, July 01, 2024 at the beginning of July. As of today with MZN being traded at ₦24.846, we see a 4.60% increase for Metical to Naira exchange rates in FX markets for this July.
Disclaimer: can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here.
Mozambican Metical | Naira |
1 Mozambican Metical to Naira | ₦ 0 |
5 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
10 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
20 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
50 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
100 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
200 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
500 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
1000 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
2000 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
5000 Mozambican Meticals to Naira | ₦ 0 |
Naira | Mozambican Metical |
1 Naira to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
5 Nairas to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
10 Nairas to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
20 Nairas to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
50 Nairas to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
100 Nairas to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
200 Nairas to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
500 Nairas to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
1000 Nairas to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
5000 Nairas to Mozambican Metical | MT 0 |
Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021
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I want to change my Sierra Leone dollar to naira
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Can I change naira to Kenya shillings in nairobi kenya and what's the rate please
unknown - 13:38 09/12/2021
Please can western union or moneygram still be used in sending out money from Nigeria to other European countries?