Abdul - 04:15 09/02/2023
Please i need a reliable source data for the Dollor to Naira average on a year on year basis history from 2005 to 2022. Purpose is for research reference. For recommendations call or watapp me on 08037203731. Thank you in anticipation.
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Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021 How much is 124ec in naira |
Greg - 14:23 27/11/2021 Can someone tell how e-naira works, what is its exchange rate, how to buy it and why someone use it? |
samuel - 09:12 27/01/2022 hello my name is Samuel from Nigerian buy currently I live in Russia. please i need help how can i exchange my Russian rubles to get a hi... |
MKTa - 17:54 13/02/2022 I heard gt bank is about 475 but is there something cheaper? |
Cash - 20:36 10/11/2022 Within an interval of 2 days dollar fall back at rate of 720 . What is the cause ? |