Source | Rate | Change | Date |
Black Market | ₦ - | - | - |
Moneygram | ₦ 0.00 | -99.75% | 03/12/20 |
Central African CFA Franc, XAF, is one of the commonly traded currencies in Nigeria.
Disclaimer: can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users commented here; use this platform only for data purposes.
Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021
How much is 124ec in naira
TY - 10:50 28/09/2021
Please How much is the current Black market for USD as at today.
Bola Awoyumi - 17:38 11/04/2023
Western Union is a popular financial service provider that offers a variety of services, including money transfers, bill payments, and mo...
MKTa - 17:54 13/02/2022
I heard gt bank is about 475 but is there something cheaper?
Ifeanyibxt - 10:24 15/02/2022
Please where can i get Kenya shilling or Benin xof in Nigeria or anyone who have should contact me on WhatsApp 07053054620
Please how much FCFA to Naira
Hw much is 5000 CFA to naira
Where can I change 500f to naria in Lago
How much is 1000frs in naira today
1000 is how much in naira