Source | Rate | Change | Date |
Black Market | ₦ - | - | - |
Moneygram | ₦ 299.06 | 0.05% | 03/12/20 |
Disclaimer: can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users commented here; use this platform only for data purposes.
Martins - 12:19 02/10/2021
How much is 124ec in naira
Nyben - 18:22 20/10/2021
Want to know before selling mine can someone help
jerrybliss - 10:25 04/10/2021
Exchange Any Crypto Currency For Free •Bitcoin, binance, bitcoin cash, e.t.c •Buy And Sell on your own, be your own boss Click This Lin...
Veejay - 21:29 21/12/2021
Any suggestions or idea on who and how to get Turkish lira with naira
Abu_Ahmad - 21:47 10/05/2022
Please can any one guid us on how to open international bank account from Nigeria and be receiving dollar transfer from abroad country
How much is CAD to naira now?
Same question
Hi Everyone! We buy CAD N at rate of 585/$1 and sell at rate of 775/$1.. Contact us today @ Lokoja Opposite Rock Garden Avenue, Lokoja Kogi State. 09135434756
When I can buy CAD for 694$ in the LemFi app
Hello ,what's your exchange rate
Naira to buy CAD is 575 .. 85,000 cad Available
Naira to buy CAD is 575 .. 85,000 cad Available
Today's RATE is 505
Hello Guys Gud afternoon, i have Cad @ 490 ..45,000 Available... Contact me on Whatsapp on +2348158659847
20mill CAD available for sale, call me 08167772617.
45,000 Cad Available... @ 478.. Oya let's go there na
I need large volume cad at good rate. Pls contact me on WhatsApp 08023011200 Ebutero
35,000 cad available@ 469
that's whatsp number 07055863302
hello, i need 1000CAD immediately, who is ready to do business asap
Got $3000 @460
I will by upto 7550 cad
Your rate please
10,000 Cad available