Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate cannot guarantee trustworthiness of the contacts listed here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users listed here; use this platform only for data purposes.

Some sell rates extracted from the user comments on this page:

CurrencyRateDateUser Nick
USD₦ 174003/12/2024 Yusuf Dan.. >
USD₦ 173002/12/2024 Yusuf Dan.. > cannot guarantee correctness of the sell rates shared by users listed above.

Some buy rates extracted from the user comments on this page:

CurrencyRateDateUser Nick
USD₦ 172003/12/2024 Yusuf Dan.. >
USD₦ 171502/12/2024 D BDC >
USD₦ 172002/12/2024 Yusuf Dan.. > cannot guarantee correctness of the buy rates shared by users listed above.

Dollar to Naira parallel market exchange rate has an average of ₦1,740.00 in Nigeria today on 03/12/2024, according to 1 sell rate coming from the users in the comments section.

For the last 7 days, between 25/11/2024 and 02/12/2024, Dollar to Naira black market sell rate took values between ₦1730 and ₦1760 with an average of ₦1,741.43. When we compare today’s (03/12/2024) values with the last 7 days, average Dollar to Naira rate had a 1.43 points decrease from ₦1,741.43 to ₦1,740.00 which corresponds to a 0.08% fall.

Dollar to Naira parallel market exchange rate has an average of ₦1,720.00 in Nigeria today on 03/12/2024, according to 1 buy rate coming from the users in the comments section.

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Disclaimer: can not guarantee correctness and trustworthiness of the information and contacts shared here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users commented here; use this platform only for data purposes.